Welcome to reverie.

An Engage Horror-Fantasy RP

All of existence as we know it rests upon Yggdrasil, the tree of life.On that tree, there are three planes, or realms, in which creatures reside. Each realm is vast and beautiful in its own way, with different biomes and cultures and belief systems tying them together into unique patchworks. Much the same as someone from Greenland does not live the same life as someone from China, different parts of the planes are all unique to themselves.

The Chatroom

reverie has been around as long as the internet, making it a relatively new method of communication for most creatures. Though the planes are vast and diverse in their populations, humans do not know of creatures other than humans. reverie is a place for the hidden to speak freely amongst themselves without fear of being discovered.This chatroom has evolved with the times, leading it to be a video chatroom in its current iteration. No one knows who created it, if they are still around, where the servers are— the best of the best have left the mystery unsolved, and in the end, it does not matter. reverie is vital to the community at large.

Moderation by Howl and Kay.
Art and Graphics by Bree.
Original concept adapted from Rihthaven, a FE3H rp created by Howl, Rose, and Blues.

Welcome to reverie.

The Planar Lords

On each of the three corporeal planes, there are lords that rule over it. Their role is to keep the peace and protect all peoples within their plane. How this manifests differs depending on the plane, the needs of the people, and the lord themself.The upper plane has two lords, one of whom is Timerra.

The Upper Plane. Heaven. The Celestial City. Paradise. The Empyrean. The Canopy.The upper plane is the realm of deities, their servants, and other creatures considered holy. The creatures here are not inherently good, but the plane as a whole has a reputation for celebrating freedom above all else. The gods and other creatures of this realm may rely on faith and belief in order to continue their existence. Prayer is a form of power, but so is fear.Example Creatures: Angels, the Sandman, the God of Love

The middle plane has three lords, two of whom are Alfred and Diamant.Though all lords technically have equal say over the whole of their plane, the middle plane’s vast population demands special circumstances. The Fae Realm, ruled by Alfred, insist on choosing a lord that suits their whims, and creatures of the sea have their own lord as well, leaving the beasts of the land to the third, Diamant. While the lords share their general responsibilities, their individual influence is lessened outside of their specialty.

The Middle Plane. Earth. Terra. Gaea. Greenwood. The Bole.The middle plane is the realm of mortals. Best known for being where humans reside, it is also the plane that contains (or thinks it contains) the fae realm. Mortal creatures such as animals, beastmen, magic-users, and those that exist as a part of nature such as elementals, all call the middle realm home. The middle plane is the most populous plane, but what they have in numbers they lack by most of those numbers being humans.Example Creatures: The Fae, Werewolves, Sirens

The lower plane has three lords, one of whom is Ivy.

The Lower Plane. Hell. The Netherworld. The Abyss. Eternal Damnation. The Root.The lower plane gets a bad rap, widely considered the realm of evil. But much as the upper plane is not inherently good, the lower plane is not inherently bad. It is the home of demons, fiends, creatures deemed unholy or even just too fearsome for the other planes. It is also the home of the Underworld, where the dead go to be judged and spend their personal eternity. Judgement and punishment is a running theme of the lower plane, but the morality of those doing the judging may be called into question.Example Creatures: Vampires, Nightmares, Lamias

The Alears have the option of being lords of any of the planes, but do not have to. They may also be associated with the Outer Plane.

The Outer Plane. The Unchained. ???. The Soup. Funky Town.There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the outer plane; in fact, to even call it a plane belies its true nature. Colloquially called ‘Funky Town’ to fully encapsulate its bizarre nature, it is where the beings outside of and unattached to the planes exist. Spirits with unfinished business and unknowable eldritch creatures are the majority of the residents here, though others may also make an appearance. To ‘exist’ in the outer plane is to not exist, to be unbound. This is rarely, but sometimes, a permanent residence for a creature.‘Dragons’ is the umbrella term for eldritch creatures, and they may or may not resemble the dragons of folklore.Example Creatures: Ghosts, Unknown Entities, Dragons

No other characters may be lords, as the rest of the lords are NPCs.

Moderation by Howl and Kay.
Art and Graphics by Bree.
Original concept adapted from Rihthaven, a FE3H rp created by Howl, Rose, and Blues.

Welcome to reverie.

Do the following steps to apply:
1) Copy and paste the below Application text into the body of an email
2) Fill out the email with the details of your desired character
3) Send the email to [email protected]


NAME — (name goes here)
PLANE — (which plane is your character/their creature type most associated with: upper, middle, lower, outer)
AGE — (character’s age, feel free to include apparent age if relevant)
GENDER — (please include pronouns as well :3c)
OCCUPATION — (some characters may have mundane human jobs! if not, put whatever else they do for a living here)
CREATURE TYPE — (name of the creature here, such as vampire. NOTE: there is a small chance you will be asked to choose a new creature if multiple people try to be the only one of a thing)
(a short description of the creature as a whole, such as saying that vampires originate in the lower plane, but frequently live in the middle to hunt, that they drink blood, etc.)
(specific things that stand out about your character, things that make them Not Human, such as skin that sparkles in the sunlight, abnormal strength, and sharp fangs)
(describe your character in this AU, NOT in canon. a little history of what their life is like! try to keep it to TWO PARAGRAPHS. deeper details will come out in rp!)
PLAYER — (your name ooc + pronouns!)
COLOR — (choose a hex code color for your character. this will be used on their profile and in the server for their name– in both cases, may be adjusted slightly for visibility)
SHIP POLICY — (here is where you would put a general blurb about how you will be approaching shipping in-rp. some things you might want to include: if you have a pre-planned ship. your character’s sexuality/preferences. how much you prefer to pre-plan. additionally, you may politely include characters you are NOT interested in shipping with, but not ones you ARE interested in. this avoids pressure. ex: “alfred is not currently interested in shipping with alear” is OK. “alfred only wants to ship with alear, alcryst, or diamant” is NOT OK.)

Moderation by Howl and Kay.
Art and Graphics by Bree.
Original concept adapted from Rihthaven, a FE3H rp created by Howl, Rose, and Blues.